Thursday, 28 February 2008

evalutation of rough cut thriller

we received both positive and negative feedback on out rough cut. people were nicer than i thought seeing as we hadn't not edited the sequences in the correct order or in time with he music.

A few bits of constructive criticism that appeared more than once was the T.V snow we included in our film title, didn't make much sense... I can see how this is a problem. how we intend to right this wrong is by only including it after a wider shot of the hotel room so the audience have more of an idea of where the telly screen is placed.

On the plus side, everyone was interested in what was going to happen next, so at least we had manged to capture the audience with our narrative, which is the whole point of an intro.

on the whole though, people were confused with the way we set out the clips as they seemed to not flow. and also a title we didn't want showed up on out film which threw everyone off a little. In future we will scan very hard for flaws and mistakes in out peice and make sure the clips flow well.

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Thursday, 21 February 2008

Thursday, 7 February 2008

Analasis of Tuesdays filming

tuesdays filming, in my opinion, was a big success, we were strapped for time as we only had an hour and a half at the Travelodge set, never the less we took all the vital shots we needed to aswll as a few others to experiment with which were also very good.

some of the shots we intended to do were scrapped, mainly because they were poop. shots like the camera looking at barbed wire weren't possible to create and they didn't go with the feel of the film as our vision has changed and we thought it woud bbe too stereotypical and cliche and would look cheesy.

anyway, we all looked for each others opinion of whether we liked the shots and experimented with Chris's lighting things to get the best possible images...yeah...brilliant

Speaking of the lighting, looking back at the shot I think the light coming in from the Travellodge window worked greatly especially when combined with the back lighting from the light stand Chris provided. Ryan and I brought our costumes so we looked more convincing, and joe brought the cool...however he forgot his phone so he didnt know where we were when our original meet up point was demolished.


Tuesdays filming rview

Timing went well;
At 12:30 me Sam and Chris were all in Starbucks as planned, Joe on the other hand was wondering around Cambridge somewhere...
By 1:00 As we were about to leave Starbucks and ditch Joe he arrived, darn so close...
With no hesitation we caught the first bus Travelodge to begin filming
1:30 We arrived at Travel Lodge and got the key to our room...
Unfortunately we were given the wrong room number and stumbled inon some one elses film of a more erotic nature...so yeah, joe lost his virginity
We had until 3:00 to film in Travellodge so the time was against us. We did manage however to finish all filming inside and outside of Travelodge during this time.
3:10 We got a Subway (to keep up our strength)
3:30 We finished eating and caught the bus to Drummer Street for the second part of the filming
4:00 We arive at Drumer Street and walk to our filming site outside Lion yard
4:10 After filming our first out door shot, it beings to rain.....unfortunately this cuts down on the amount of shots we can do as the camera cannot be used outside.
4:20 We adjust the filming and shoot the last shot for the day underneath Lion yard arch so the camera is in the dry as I walk off outside.
4:30 The crew split up after a great day, Sam leaves to catch his bus, Joe disappears into the distance carrying 1 of the guys from room 104 in his arms like at the end of a romantic film, me and Chris wait inside John Lewis, I wait for my lift while Chris waits for the 5:45 train.
4:45 I head home and the day of filming is over but oh what fun we had ;) lol xxx


Wednesday, 6 February 2008


After speaking to the Manager at Travelodge we managed to borrow a free room for a couple of hours for absolutely no cost.

Yesterday, we spent two hours in Travelodge filming which i believe went well. I think that we may have to do one of the shots again. This is because it was an outside shot and when we were doing it, it began to rain so we had to pack the camera away so that it didnt get wet.


Monday, 4 February 2008


Guy with camera - Ryan - black topman top, split knee jeans,

Guy in street - Sam - white shirt, black trousers, tie and black shoes

Mise en scene - black gives impressions of evil while the white shirt shows the hero of the film, the fact that one wears a shirt during the day while the other just wears a top also shows something about their lifestyle, a shirt suggests organisation and that he may have a 9- job, while the black top and scruffy jeans suggest he doesn't go out into society much)

The bright blue scruffy jeans will also be recognisable for the shot where my leg has to walk across the shot while the guy in the street is in the background


Friday, 1 February 2008

Tuesday: The Filming Day

filming day will be Tuesday as we all have the day off school for teacher training, so for me, Sam and Chris the plan for Tuesdays filming will be as so:

We will be taking out the camera on Monday and returning it on the Wednesday.
12:30pm rendevue at starbucks near the market so we can buy the coffee for the shot ofcourse...
move to travel lodge and h&m street hopefully by bus.for filming

pimped up and dandy...
